Each issue of Eye to the Telescope (hereinafter referred to as ETTT) traditionally has a different theme, as well as being restricted to only speculative (science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poetry. Please visit our Current Issue and Archives to familiarize yourself with previous issues’ content and themes. Upcoming themes are listed on the About page. Your theme (with a paragraph or two describing the interpretation of the theme and the kind of poems desired) must be selected and furnished to the webmaster, along with your bio for the Masthead, as well as an e-mail address to which you wish submissions to be forwarded, by the first of the month in which the preceding issue appears, to be announced with your call to submissions in that issue. Issues are quarterly and go live on January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15.
Submission deadline for each issue is one month before the issue goes live. We expect editors to acknowledge all submissions promptly upon receipt. Payment for poems is 4 cents per word rounded up to the nearest U.S. dollar; minimum $4, maximum $25. The budget limit for each issue is $133. Editors are not paid.
The timeline for rejecting or accepting poems is left up to the editor—some like to reject immediately as poems come in, if warranted, and others prefer to send all responses once the line-up for the issue has been decided. However, all submissions must receive acceptance or rejection responses by the first of the month prior to the issue’s publication. These may be boilerplate sent BCC; no submitter is owed an explanation for your decision, or any further correspondence.
Please request the following necessary information when sending acceptances:
- Short biography
- Preferred method of payment (PayPal, check, or issues of Star*Line or other SFPA publications)
- Payment address or e-mail for PayPal
Send the selected poems and your Introduction for the issue to the webmaster (sfpaweb@sfpoetry.com) NO LATER than the first of the month prior to the publication date for your issue.
A list of payment amounts and methods must be sent to the SFPA treasurer prior to the publication date.
Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominations, because they come from the journal rather than from individual editors, will be made by soliciting a small number of nominations from each editor, which will then be voted upon and submitted by the SFPA Executive Committee.
SFPA welcomes editors from the wider field of poetry, who are not required to be SFPA members. In return, in the interests of increasing diversity in speculative poetry and broadening awareness of SFPA, speculative poetry, and ETTT, we expect that you will solicit submissions and promote ETTT within your own social and literary circles.
SFPA will publicize the call for submissions as well as each issue of ETTT on its website and the SFPA Facebook Group and Page, @SFpoetry Twitter, and Google+.
Please review the timeline as explained above and make sure you will be able to perform these duties yourself before you volunteer for or accept editorship.
If you are interested in editing an issue of ETTT, e-mail the Managing Editor at et3@sfpoetry.org to propose a theme after reading the above carefully.
The SFPA team