background stars background text eye to the telescope tour of alternate worlds spacer



Help SFPA achieve non-profit status and expand its goals in promoting the speculative poetry community! rightcol
A Brief Explication

Eye to the Telescope, a quarterly online journal, began publishing science-fiction, fantasy, horror, and other speculative poetry in 2011, under the auspices of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association. Its editors are selected by the current SFPA president and change with each issue; as a result, editorial policies change with each issue as well.

Read our current issue of poems set in other worlds—some, as strange as this one. Peruse the labyrinthine archives that shall form as our chronology accretes. When appropriate, submit your own genre poetry for the delectation of our editors, and—with their approval—our readership. See our Events calendar for submissions windows.

Interested in editing an issue of Eye to the Telescope? See the Editors’ Guidelines for information and requirements.

Forthcoming issues, editors, and themes:

#55, January 2025, (Non)Binaries (Haley Bossé)

#56, April 2025, Plants (Eva Papasoulioti)

#57, July 2025, Birds (Maria Schrater)

#58, October 2025, Cyberpunk (Casey Aimer)

#59, January 2026, Immortality (C. C. Rayne)

#60, April 2026, Paying Tribute (Angela Acosta)

#61, July 2026, Aliens (D. A. Xiaolin Spires)